Expertise in Toxicity Avoidance to Preserve Optimal Genetic Expression and Productive Longevity
Toxicity and Chemical Contamination Excerpt from "Paleo Perspectives on Aging, Fat, Loss, Fitness, and Health" by Wayne Coolidge Jr., M.Ed. pages 22 and 23.
Environmental pollution and contamination are catching up with us physically and mentally. We may soon discover that lead contamination in our public water supply has insidiously poisoned portions of the U.S. population for years. Other contaminants are poisoning us through the water supply as well. The Camp Lejeune chemical contamination issue was not known when the first edition of this book was written. Now, calls to join lawsuits for damages permeate the airwaves. Industry and municipalities once thought that "the answer to pollution was dilution." That may have worked for a while, but now you shouldn't eat a lake trout from the beautiful Lake Champlain on the New York/Vermont border because of mercury contamination. You should never eat "trash fish" farm-raised in polluted waters, like tilapia from China. Eating seafood is healthy, but you must be careful where it's sourced. It must be wild-caught from clean waters.
Generations born during and after the Industrial Revolution were the first to get nailed
by environmental pollution. This constant toxic assault includes chemicals from industry,
agriculture, and household and body products, including makeup, shampoos, etc.
Multiple chemical sensitivity is a medical condition that will soon burst onto the wellness
Another advancement critical to the Earth's health would be a significant reduction in plastic waste. Plastics are
a significant toxic contributor damaging us from within. Nothing ages the cells, tissues, and organs like inflammation and oxidation from toxin-induced damage to the cellular machinery.
Chemical toxins enter our bodies through our food supply. Our genetic makeup was not designed to function with foreign chemicals short-circuiting our systems. We must reduce the toxic burden from food by following and supporting dedicated food safety organizations like the American Clean Food Council.
Fish and seafood can be described as anti-aging superfoods. The omega-3 fatty acid content and healthy anti-inflammatory protein supplied by fish and seafood are perfect for brain health. Unfortunately, a perfect storm of impending disaster is on the horizon concerning our seafood supply. Current fishing pressure on wild stocks of fish makes the industry unsustainable. Fish consumption is a critical piece of our evolutionary heritage. Large percentages of our Paleolithic ancestors lived beside water and near seashores because fish and seafood were easy to procure. Fast, determined action must be undertaken if humans can access safe, reasonably priced fish.
Four proactive actions are available for health-motivated individuals to fully experience the power of Wayne Coolidge Health Promotion's scientifically cutting-edge program design and training. They are:
- Join our premium membership option which provides access to a like-minded community, exclusive and proprietary nutrition, Heart Rate Variability, and fat loss information, as well as fitness information, including cardio, resistance, high-intensity interval, and kettlebell training instruction and videos.
- Enroll in and complete one or several of our scientifically validated and informative online classes. Start with "Foundations of Aging, Fat Loss, Fitness, and Health" to create the all-important health foundation and intellectualize your newly inspired wellness journey.
- Come on board as a client and receive personalized health, wellness, and fitness assessments and consultations that will power you toward realizing your goals.
- Purchase my book "Paleo Perspectives on Aging, Fat, Loss, Fitness, and Health: "Utilizing Lifestyle Lessons From Your Ancient Ancestors and Other Successful Cultures to Promote Ultimate Wellness." This text serves three primary purposes:
a. A scholarly resource containing the latest, validated health and fitness information.
b. It is the textbook for our 1-on-1 and small cohort and group fitness consultation clients.
c. It is the textbook for our online classes, trainings, and seminars.
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